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Feb 5, 2024
The Spirit of the Lord came down on Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in Baker on Feb. 2 as 200 men gathered for a time of fellowship and worship at the Bold Men’s Conference.

Jan 26, 2024
Pastor Edward Parker admits that he has more miles behind him in ministry than lie before him. Soon to be 75, the pastor of the First Church of God in Christ of Crestview still has big dreams for God.

Jan 23, 2024
In a day and age when the traditional family is continually under attack it’s time for Christian men to stand up and be counted.

Jan 15, 2024
There was a lot for First Baptist Church of Crestview to celebrate in 2023 and expectations are high for 2024.

From an increase in missions to an unexpectedly good turnout at the church’s Christmas event, the highlights of 2023 were many.

Jan 9, 2024
Pastor Josh Neel of Hope City Church is a leader with a vision. Neel has a vision not only for his congregation in 2024, but on that extends to the Body of Christ throughout the North Okaloosa County community.

Jan 4, 2024
With the arrival of a new year many people do check ups and take stock of different areas of their life. People often make resolutions to do better in exercise, diet, education and even spiritual things.

Dec 12, 2023
If you are looking for a traditional, light night, Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, First Methodist Church in Crestview is the place to be.

Dec 7, 2023
Christmas celebrations at churches across the country and around the world have changed in recent years. Gone, for the most part, are the days of Christmas Caroling in the neighborhood. And many churches no longer have the grand Christmas Cantata that once filled the air with strains of “Glory to God in the highest.”

Nov 30, 2023
By car, Bethlehem is half-hour drive on Israel’s Route 75 from Nazareth. But 2,000 years ago, a young couple undertook the trip by donkey. To complicate matters, the lady was pregnant, ready to give birth at any minute, and as she jostled along on the family donkey, her husband walked along beside her.

Nov 23, 2023
If a church is sincere in the call of Christ it doesn’t serve in the community to receive the recognition of man or community awards. A church, in part, is called to serve the community as the salt and light of Jesus.

Sometimes that salt and light does get attention. Such is the case when Eglin Federal Credit Union in partnership with Cumulus Media awarded Hope City Community Church of Crestview the Hometown Hero Award.

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