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Jan 27, 2015
Very saddened by all the trash being dumped on Highway 85 south, past the Cox Bridge. Just keeps getting worse.

Jan 23, 2015
Sometimes, blended families place their significant other first in priority, to the detriment of their children's well being.

Jan 19, 2015
The World Wide Web will be 26 years old in March, which means an entire generation has never known a world without access to the Internet.

Jan 19, 2015
On Jan. 8, a community meeting was held in Baker to address the issue of a substance abuse treatment facility that Exodos Ministries was proposing to locate on property on Buck Ward Road. I attended …

Jan 14, 2015
I have a debate. How do two people walk into the city council unopposed?

Jan 14, 2015
Last week, I called Northwood Elementary School about my children, Victoria and Alexandria, going to P.E. in the extreme cold at first period and fourth period. Victoria has epilepsy and Alexandria h…

Dec 29, 2014
I have lived on Buck Ward Road in Baker for 18 years; a quiet single-family neighborhood.

Dec 29, 2014
It’s time for New Year’s resolutions, particularly those about our health.

Dec 28, 2014
Why not make a resolution this year to improve your speaking and leadership skills?

Dec 26, 2014
Many Americans tend to be cynical even on Christmas, and understandably so. In the near East, Christians are being persecuted; children are kidnapped and killed or sold into slavery.
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