Baker fire chief arrested for premeditated murder
Sunday night, June 5, Okaloosa Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested Baker fire chief Brian Keith Easterling at his home in Holt. Easterling is charged with premeditated homicide for the murder of Mike Evers, a 63-year-old Pensacola businessman, at Evers’s shop on Creighton Road on June 2.
Easterling’s arrest report sheds light on the details of the crime. The Pensacola Police Department was called for a welfare check on Evers who hadn’t been seen or heard from since Thursday, June 2. Police went to his La Jolla Drive property but didn’t find him there. One of the police officers, who is a friend of Evers, went to check the Creighton Road business with a family member of Evers.
Body found in Shoal River identified
The body of a man found tangled in trees along the Shoal River off Highway 393 near Dorcas has been identified as 27-year-old Colby Wilcher.
Wilcher was reported missing out of Holt by a family member in January. According to the Okaloosa Sheriff’s Office, the last known social media post on Wilcher’s Facebook page was Feb. 9.