Jun 27, 2017
Council talks area master plan, impact fees
CRESTVIEW — The Crestview City Council’s Monday workshop included discussion on Crestview’s “2017 Community Redevelopment Agency Comprehensive Master Plan.”
Crestview’s CRA district, established in…
Jun 19, 2017
Northwest Florida airports receive $2.6 million in grant money
PENSACOLA — Airports in Okaloosa and Escambia counties will receive $2,618,796 in federal grant money from the United States Department of Transportation, Congressman Matt Gaetz announced.
The mone…
Jun 14, 2017
Constitution Party sets Crestview meeting
CRESTVIEW — People dissatisfied with the direction the two dominating political parties have taken in America can learn about the Constitution Party of Florida.
A meeting is set 6 p.m. June 15 at…
Jun 13, 2017
County revisits issues with public transportation
CRESTVIEW — A concerned resident broached the topic of public transportation during a June 8 town hall meeting hosted by Okaloosa Commissioners Nathan Boyles and Graham Fountain.
Becky Brice-Nash, …
Jun 13, 2017
The $37,000 question: Should Crestview's Council accept Quint Studer's offer?
CRESTVIEW— A West Florida businessman has offered to commission a poll for city residents free of charge. Now for the question: Will the council accept?
Quint Studer—a Pensacola businessman, phila…
Jun 9, 2017
Okaloosa and Crestview officials discuss traffic issues, possible solutions
CRESTVIEW — Infrastructure and transportation in north Okaloosa County was the focus of a town hall meeting Thursday.
County Commissioners Nathan Boyles and Graham Fountain, along with other county…
Jun 6, 2017
Laurel Hill invests at a new bank
LAUREL HILL — The city of Laurel Hill will invest their funds at a new Crestview bank.
The First NBC Bank, where Laurel Hill previously had certificates of deposit, closed in April. Whitney doing …
May 23, 2017
Charter review committee gets new member
CRESTVIEW — A special city council meeting on Monday opened with Councilman Shannon Hayes rescinding the appointment of his brother, Rev. Sanford Hayes, to the City Charter Review Committee.
May 18, 2017
7 residents appointed for city charter review
CRESTVIEW — City leaders in a special meeting Wednesday selected seven residents to research Crestview’s government structure.
The councilmen, Mayor David Cadle and City Clerk Betsy Roy announced t…
May 9, 2017
City Council to consider half-cent sales tax proposal
CRESTVIEW — The City Council will continue discussion on a half-cent sales tax proposal at its next meeting.
The Okaloosa County League of Cities’ executive board has proposed the sales tax for fiv…