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Dec 10, 2024
We are in the midst of the Christmas season and the allure of online shopping and big-box retailers can be tempting. The convenience of online shopping is hard to beat. However, there’s a compelling case to be made for turning our attention to local businesses. Shopping locally isn’t just a trend; it’s a powerful way to support our community, economy, and environment. Here are some reasons to consider supporting your community’s small businesses.

Dec 5, 2024
There is so much pressure on student-athletes now. From various social media sites such as X, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook, student-athletes can post their highlights or alert their fans where they might be attending college in the future.

Dec 4, 2024
For almost the entirety of my 36 years of full-time Christian ministry, I have avoided planting a church with the same zealous determination that I avoid liver and onions. Yet here I am in Navarre planting a church.

Dec 4, 2024
On Saturday, Dec. 7, the nation will pause to remember the 83rd anniversary of the devastating surprise attack by the Japanese against the U.S. Navy’s facilities at Pearl Harbor, Hawai’i. Most Americans know it as Pearl Harbor Day, that the attack precipitated the United States’ entry into World War II and that President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in condemning Japan’s aggression, called Dec. 7, 1941, “a date that shall live in infamy.”

Nov 29, 2024
It’s late November here in Northwest Florida. The leaves are falling.

Nov 26, 2024
(Dear Readers, I have written this article in the anticipation it may be published before the Thanksgiving Holiday. If it is not, please be gentle with any criticism. Thanks! Mark)

Nov 26, 2024
Sometimes we focus on what we don’t have, or situations we aren’t in, and we lose sight of what we do have and where we are. I know I have a lot to be thankful for – at all times – even when I’m wrapped up in the day-to-day busy-ness of life. I gathered these versus to remind me of what true thanksgiving is and what my gratitude should be focused on. I hope you enjoy them during this time that we take a break from our routines and focus on being thankful for all of our many blessings – or as we set out to purposefully be a blessing to others.

Nov 26, 2024
We at Sandpaper Publishing have much to be thankful for, beginning with our members and readers. You fuel the passion we have for publishing three newspapers each week for three communities. We work hard to report and write the stories the matter most to you. We are your voice and are privileged to be in that role. Thank you for choosing us as your news and information source. We hope you stay tuned because we have so much more work to do for you.

Nov 21, 2024
My wife says I can find a topic for a column in the most mundane things. I think she is exaggerating. Anyway, I was walking from the kitchen to my office with a full cup of coffee trying not to spill. It seemed that the more I focused on not spilling, the more likely it was that I would. Caution made my posture rigid, my gait stiff. Slight missteps elicited a jerky correction that set the hot liquid in motion.

Nov 21, 2024
Years ago, we ran an advertisement/message from Quint Studer, the famed Pensacola-based developer who re-imagined downtown Pensacola and made it what it is today. He is probably one of the most sought-after community planners in the country. The message we printed is still worth reading today.
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