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For God’s Sake

| Staff Reporters
In thirty-five years of ministry, I have had several speaking engagements, some at conferences, and many at churches. That is not remarkable for a preacher. What is remarkable is that many of those engagements were in Spanish-speaking countries, and I do not speak Spanish; to be understood, I had to speak through an interpreter.

Speaking through an interpreter takes some getting used to. Some refer to them as interrupters since their task requires interrupting the flow of the talk to render their translation. Speaking through an interpreter also doubles the length of the talk since everything is said twice. If the interpreter is experienced, he and the speaker easily fall into a rhythm. If the interpreter is not experienced, the talk is uncomfortable for all involved, the speaker, the interpreter, and the listeners.

I was second up at a pastors’ conference in Nicaragua, which gave me the opportunity to observe the assigned interpreter in action as he translated for the first speaker. The interpreter was a Nicaraguan who had lived in Canada for two years. He was very relaxed in casual conversations in English and Spanish, but ten minutes into the interpreter role he became flustered and started to stumble in his translations.

After each of the interpreter’s stumbles, a man who had been sitting at the back would move up a few rows. Halfway to the platform, he began helping the interpreter with the occasional word. By the time he reached the second row, he was providing whole sentences. Soon he was standing next to the interpreter, who, to the relief of all involved, sat down. The new interpreter was also a Nicaraguan and had lived for about a decade in Miami where, before coming to faith in Christ, he had been a gang member. He assumed the role of interpreter for the remainder of the conference and did a fine job.

The Bible was originally written primarily in two languages, Hebrew and Greek, and has now been translated into thousands of languages, the reliable translations carefully performed by competent translators. Today, most people have the Bible available to them in their native language.

If an English speaker reads from any of the major English translations, he is getting a translation of the original text that is reliable, despite a few variations between translations. My Hebrew professor in seminary cautioned his students about bringing the original languages into the pulpit. His concern was that it would communicate to the congregation that they could not possibly understand the Bible without the preacher.

Language is not what causes many to misinterpret the Bible, it is ignoring context. What was written to a particular people in a particular time and setting is often treated as universal. Description is made into prescription, adding unnecessary burdens to people’s lives. Fast-paced lives allow for only fast-paced, careless readings.

By God’s grace, we have free access to the Bible, God’s Word, in our own language. Reading it carefully, thoughtfully, prayerfully, and regularly yields great benefit.

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