Dec 22, 2014
LETTER: What if prayer preceded Buck Ward signs?
I was the leader of this well-behaved group of youngsters and adults (to which a prior letter writer referred.)
Dec 22, 2014
LETTER: Why investment in early child care is important
Why invest in early care and education? Investing in early child care helps the economy, keeps families working and helps prepare our children's future in education and employment.
Dec 15, 2014
LETTER: Body cameras prevent mistreatment
Dear editor, The massive public reaction to the tragic deaths of three black teens at the hands of white police officers has led to a national call for use of body cameras to record and prevent futur…
Dec 15, 2014
LETTER: Baker is already changing
Dear editor, On Dec. 10, 30 to 40 well-behaved demonstrators showed up on Buck Ward Road, in Baker, in support of the proposed placement of the Exodos neighborhood rehab facility.
Dec 9, 2014
LETTER: Old Flea Market site needs developing
It's been over a year since the commercial development of the old Flea market site was rejected.
Dec 9, 2014
LETTER: All Baker residents should know about Exodos' plans
Dear editor, While Exodos Ministries' proposed substance abuse rehab facility will be located at 5804 Buck Ward Road, other neighborhoods should be interested in understanding the proposed activities.
Nov 22, 2014
LETTER: Here's why I'm skipping the turkey
Dear editor,
This week, President Obama pardoned two turkeys to promote the turkey industry.
Nov 22, 2014
LETTER: Gratitude for help with coat drive, community Thanksgiving dinner
Dear editor,
The Concerned Citizens Group and its Community Outreach Street Ministry thank everybody who participated in their annual coat drive and community Thanksgiving dinner.
Nov 21, 2014
LETTER: Use Ebola-like effort to contain other diseases
U.S., state and municipal health authorities are working overtime and spending millions of dollars to stem the spread of Ebola. But this viral infection has killed one person in our country.
Nov 17, 2014
LETTER: Help Okaloosa, Walton's homeless people
Did you know that Florida has the third-largest population of homeless persons of any state in the country?