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Sep 12, 2023
I was out and about at Juana’s Good Time Regatta this weekend. Kaitie Kiger covered the event on Saturday in a chase boat and I went out on a chase boat Sunday to take pictures.
This was the team at Juana’s/Sailors Grill’s 33rd year organizing and running this event, which is a tremendous asset for our community.

Sep 8, 2023
Located on Stillwell Boulevard from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Aug 22, 2023
The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13, “If I speak with the tongues of men and angels and don’t have love, I’m like a clanging brass and tinkling cymbal.” The love Paul wrote about is at the foundation of Golan Assembly of God’s Back to School Outreach initiative on Aug. 6. The outreach provided school supplies, clothes and haircuts to families in need throughout the area.

Aug 15, 2023
Three teenage suspects in the armed robbery of a Mary Esther business are in custody, Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office officials said in an Aug. 15 news release. Watercloud Vapes, at 300 Mary Esther Boulevard in the Santa Rosa Mall, was robbed at gunpoint around 4:20 p.m. on Aug. 14, S.O. officials said.

Aug 8, 2023
During the Spanish-American War, some transport ships with supplies for General Shafter’s army found it impossible to drop anchor off the coast of Cuba and were compelled to steam slowly back and forth along the coast.

Aug 2, 2023
I recently saw that a Pensacola Catholic football player is transferring to another school for the upcoming season. The kid isn’t transferring to Pine Forest, Pace, Gulf Breeze, Crestview or Navarre. He’s not even taking his talents a few miles down the road to a school in Bay County.

Jul 28, 2023
The best way to deal with cultural revolutionaries insistent on canceling history, art, statues, or people is not to engage in a dialogue or to apologize, but to ignore their demands and tell them to “get bent.” It’s been too long since our elite cultural and media institutions had a good Orwellian two minutes hate. They needed to concoct controversy to rile up the mob and destroy another hapless soul in the name of social justice.

Jul 24, 2023
It seems as if nothing in life has every come easily to me. That includes getting a bad gallbladder taken care of. Some of you might remember that I was scheduled to have my gallbladder removed in February. Let’s put it this way, reaching the actual gallbladder surgery was trickier than making it through an overgrown cornfield maze.

Jul 18, 2023
Have you ever interacted with someone who challenges you – and not in a good way? I refer to the type of person who “has to be myself” and says whatever is on their mind whether it is good, irritating, or hurtful. They step on toes, and the feelings of others don’t matter.

Jun 9, 2023
When the people of Crestview talk, the city government does it’s best to listen and accommodate the request of the citizens. One thing people have been talking about across town and the United States is the sport of pickleball. As the people of the community made their voices heard desiring pickleball courts, the city responded building two at Blackwater Golf Course.
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