Mar 12, 2013
City officials consider revisions to animal control ordinance
CRESTVIEW — Residents may soon be able to keep a wider variety of pets, including pot-bellied pigs and some fowl, pending approval of proposed revisions to Crestview's animal control ordinance.
Mar 11, 2013
Royal on SMU honor roll
DALLAS — Adam Royal, a Baker resident and a junior at Southern Methodist University, is on the SMU honor roll with distinction.
Mar 11, 2013
Baker students heading to Odyssey of the Mind competition
BAKER — Two of three north Okaloosa County teams going to a state competition next month to display their teamwork skills are from Baker School.
Mar 11, 2013
Nine Northwood students injured in school bus crash (UPDATED)
CRESTVIEW — Nine Northwood Elementary School students were taken to the emergency room Monday morning after the bus they were riding on was struck by another vehicle.
Mar 11, 2013
Laurel Hill offers $1,000 scholarship
LAUREL HILL — The City Council on May 2 will discuss whether a $1,000 scholarship it unanimously approved Thursday would benefit one or more recipients.
Mar 11, 2013
Local bases step up war against sexual assault
HURLBURT FIELD — Over the past year, the base has upped its sexual assault response training.
Mar 8, 2013
City of Crestview agenda announced for March 11 meetings
CRESTVIEW —The Crestview City Council will meet at 6 p.m. March 11 at City Hall, Wilson Street.
Mar 8, 2013
Two special ops units to move from Eglin to Hurlburt
Two squadrons at Eglin Air Force base are being sent packing — across town.
Mar 8, 2013
Man contacts deputies after finding stranger asleep on his couch
CRESTVIEW – A man who was found sleeping on a couch in a house trailer that wasn’t his was busted for drug possession after he was found with a needle and a container of “Roxy,” lawmen say.
Mar 8, 2013
State college's 50th anniversary kick-off coming April 17
NICEVILLE — Northwest Florida State College’s 50th anniversary celebration begins with a free kick-off assembly next month.