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Aug 18, 2016
Dear editor, Despite its claims, the Democratic Party doesn’t have a monopoly on mercy. Matt Gaetz is one of Florida’s most conservative legislators, but he’s also one of the most caring, and t…

Jul 25, 2016
Once again it is time to vote, and the voters in Northwest Florida are getting their big “R” rubber stamps ready for use. Too bad they don’t investigate the candidates before they vote. Marco …

Jul 10, 2016
Dear editor, I recently moved from Homestead, Florida to El Paso, Texas. Along the way I stopped to spend the night in Crestview, where I still own a home. Over the course of over 1,900 miles, …

Jun 27, 2016
Dear Editor:  What ever happened to the good old days when our worst worries on the 4th of July were traffic jams and wayward fireworks? A well-warranted worry, according to the Department of A…

Jun 13, 2016
Dear editor,   Democrats are again blaming guns, illegal guns and unstable people possessing guns for the Orlando, Fla., shooting. Yet the perpetrator, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, registered D…

Jun 6, 2016
Editor’s Note:  The need for suicide prevention takes focus in the Crestview area, particularly after Iraq War veteran and Hub City resident Drew Winkler’s unexpected death . ●●● Dear editor, …

May 23, 2016
Dear editor, To whoever was driving the black SUV with the Jesus bumper sticker I cut in front of on Avalon at around 3:15 p.m. on May 18: I apologize for that. It was poor driving on my part.…

May 16, 2016
The Alzheimer’s Association estimates there are more than five million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, including over 500,000 here in Florida. I am one of those people. I was honored to …

May 4, 2016
Dear Editor: Come to Paradise — that is the gala at the Paradise Gardens. Learn how to Bee One In a Million. The gala offers a lively discussion by Marie Harrison, a tour of a pollinator garden w…

Apr 27, 2016
Dear Editor, Yes, Hillary Clinton and President Obama want equal pay for women. It's very nasty to say — because women are given time off with pay from their jobs after a new baby is born and organ…
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