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Feb 28, 2013
I read with great interest recently that Councilwoman Robyn Helt has begun the push to link Twin Hills Park with historic downtown Crestview via a walking trail and (that she) envisions other improve…

Feb 27, 2013
Did you know the 2012 American Cancer Society Crestview Relay for Life ranked 24th in Florida, raising over $150,000 to help in the fight against cancer.

Feb 27, 2013
I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to everyone taking time from your busy schedules to respond to this survey. (Poll, Feb. 13, News Bulletin)

Feb 6, 2013
Apparently, there is only one school in this town, because you did not put an article in the paper about the Shoal River and Davidson Middle School basketball game.

Feb 6, 2013
I had a nice conversation Monday with the writer of today’s Letter to the Editor concerning the lack of coverage for Shoal River Middle School’s remarkable basketball team.

Jan 30, 2013
I loved (Arts & Entertainment Editor Brian Hughes') article on Crestview being like everywhere else. (Crestview Bulletin, Jan. 23, 2013, Opinion)

Jan 29, 2013
I have lived in Crestview for five years and have watched a disturbing trend: new home developers tearing down existing lots or dividing acres to put up another house or housing development.

Jan 23, 2013
My family and I just moved to Crestview five months ago. We are here for my husband’s job as a government contractor.

Jan 21, 2013
Foy Shaw — a community leader with great vision, patience and eternal optimism — started his moving and storage business in 1956, and over the years added more than just jobs to the Crestview communi…

Dec 24, 2012
Yesterday, I received the Dec. 15 Crestview News Bulletin with the article about the Crestview City Council discussing travel reimbursement.
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