May 8, 2013
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Speak to officials about road conditions
They say the squeaking wheel gets the grease, so I think it is high time the citizens of Crestview and the north end of the county start squeaking and calling their commissioners about the north end’…
Apr 25, 2013
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Blessed to volunteer for hospice
Hopefully, when folks have to face losing a loved one, they will be as blessed as I have been with positive experiences.
Apr 24, 2013
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Set referendum on garage sales
In regards to the article titled, "Crestview leaders eye regulating mobile vendors, garage sales” (April 20): I understand the need for some regulation concerning roadside vendors, but to enforce the…
Apr 24, 2013
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: CERT can use people of many capabilities
Often, when we talk about the Crestview Community Emergency Response Team, most individuals focus on the physically demanding tasks CERT members receive training on: light search and rescue, triage a…
Apr 10, 2013
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Riverside staffer grateful for store’s support
I work at Riverside Elementary. I have been trying for a while to start a garden for the school. After looking in different areas, I spoke to the manager at Lowe’s in Crestview. He decided to take th…
Mar 28, 2013
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Good luck to Crestview parents
After reading about the family that made their young disrespectful daughter stand with that sign on a street corner, I say “bravo” to those parents. They should stop worrying about what someone else …
Mar 28, 2013
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Countryview Estates needs representation
Living in Countryview for the better part of 20 years, I want better representation for my neighborhood.
Mar 19, 2013
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: cheers to candidates, active voters needed
I would like to commend all candidates in the municipal election this year. The Kiwanis Club of Crestview invited all of the candidates to attend a meeting for us to meet them. All but one candidate …
Mar 13, 2013
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: S.R. 85 is a ‘deathtrap’
Does the city government actually live in this city?
Feb 28, 2013
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Ferdon Blvd. traffic light needs improvement
Southbound traffic on Ferdon Boulevard gets bogged down many times when vehicles are turning left onto John King Road because the left-turn green arrow doesn't stay on long enough to allow all the ve…