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Oct 8, 2013
Dear editor, I see the Confederate flag fly here in my city and I see a part of American history.

Oct 8, 2013
Dear editor, My ancestors fought honorably under that flag, as did this Uncle Bill Lundy. It is the soldiers’ flag. This dear man is not responsible for other people who came along later and used tha…

Oct 7, 2013
The Crestview News Bulletin keeps getting better every Wednesday and Saturday

Sep 26, 2013
Dear editor, This is a soldier’s flag and not the official flag of the Ku Klux Klan. The KKK’s official flag is the stars and stripes. So why not direct (criticism) to the stars and stripes?

Sep 25, 2013
Dear editor, It’s amazing how so many people believe or see things the way they want to see them.

Sep 20, 2013
I think most black Americans in the south realize that people displaying the Confederate flag no more support slavery than the black folks who wear an "X" on their caps — symbolizing Malcolm X — supp…

Sep 17, 2013
Convicted felon and former Crestview PD Maj. Joey Floyd chuckled with great delight in his jail cell Friday morning, when he learned that his whistleblowers were told that their services were no long…

Aug 22, 2013
Dear editor, Government is tasked with providing for its citizenry’s public safety and infrastructure needs.

Aug 21, 2013
Dear editor, I want to suggest changing Crestview’s bus schedule instead of canceling it.

Aug 21, 2013
Dear editor, From my experience, law enforcement cannot cure underage drinking without the parents getting involved and supporting the issue.
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