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Mar 7, 2014
This week’s "Time Magazine" cites several reasons for vegetarians living longer. The article was prompted by a report in "American Medical Association’s Internal Medicine" that a vegetarian diet lowe…

Mar 5, 2014
Dear editor, The Crestview City Council has three old, dead computers, and 10 more to be replaced. And, instead of getting a package deal from Staples, Wal-Mart or some other supplier, the council el…

Feb 19, 2014
Dear editor, My fifth-grade class is studying the 50 states and I have chosen Florida as my state.

Feb 19, 2014
Dear editor, Feb. 11, I attended the Fort Walton Beach Tea Party meeting where Harry Riley spoke about a grassroots movement he has initiated called Operation American Spring.

Feb 12, 2014
Dear editor, I would like to thank Thomas Boni and the Crestview News Bulletin for the write-up covering our Duke it Out sale of Boston butts. Proceeds from the sale this past Super Bowl benefited l…

Jan 23, 2014
The city cannot make a business come to Crestview. The only thing the city can do to entice businesses is to make sure there is sufficient infrastructure in place to accommodate their requirements.

Jan 20, 2014
Dear editor, I've been riding bus routes 11 and 12, and I read on Crestview News Bulletin Online that the whole service is going to be terminated next month.

Jan 14, 2014
Crestview City Council member Robyn Helt wants a big change to occur in the Crestview city government.

Jan 2, 2014
New Years' resolution recommendation: What would it take to widen the road coming out of Krystal so that you can make a right turn without creating a traffic jam?

Nov 20, 2013
For months, I have read about why Crestview should remove the Confederate flag from the Lundy memorial. The reasons cited are that it is racist, that it is a memorial to traitors, and that it shows s…
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