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Jan 6, 2017
Inside President Barack Obama's rhetoric of "income inequality" and "attack the rich," used mainly to sway envy-driven, simple minds, was always a dangerous subtext: capitalism and entrepreneurs are …

Dec 22, 2016
As President Obama and Democratic travelers in the media work down their checklist of excuses for being demolished in the election, Russian email leaking is the latest “dog who ate their homework.” …

Dec 17, 2016
There’s a bright side to every loss. The Clintons can now spend more time “saving the world” with their Clinton Foundation, which in no way was a self-enrichment/pay-for-play scheme. While Hillary …

Dec 9, 2016
It's easy to get tired of the same routine. We bring out the same old Christmas tree, same decorations and with almost the same holiday schedule. For good or bad, though, Christmas is rarely exactl…

Dec 1, 2016
President-elect Donald Trump must be successful in multiple areas, but the following are vital. Americans will be unforgiving in four years if he fails in these key areas. Keep Social Security solv…

Nov 29, 2016
I went to Cuba in February and observed that, while Cuba is realizing the futility of central command-and-control government, President Barack Obama was embracing it. Like Obama, Fidel Castro — Cub…

Nov 19, 2016
As an American veteran who has served my country for many years and in many roles, I know there is an indisputable connection between energy security and national security. I feel strongly that we …

Nov 17, 2016
This presidential election’s big losers were the leftist mainstream media. They were willfully disconnected from reality and touted the Clinton campaign to the end. They were so confident of their …

Nov 4, 2016
In reference to the Big Red Machine playing “Amazing Grace” at the end of Crestview High football games, I’d like to quote the “Bad News Bears” by saying, “Let them play!” Ah, prayer in school: the…

Nov 2, 2016
Looks like I’m grabbing a Snickers, because it doesn’t look like we’re going away from the topic of religion for a while. Now to the new topic of the week: invocations at city council meetings. So …
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