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Mar 22, 2020
According to the dictionary, a pandemic is a disease that is prevalent over the world or an entire country. We, here in Crestview and in the United States, are in the midst of the coronavirus pandemi…

Jul 5, 2019
This July 4 is the 243rd birthday of the United States of America. What does Independence Day mean to you and your family? How do you plan to celebrate our nation's independence from England? Here …

May 30, 2019
We have just celebrated Memorial Day, a time in which we remember those who gave their lives for our country and for our freedom. They deserve more than we can give them. Their memory should bring te…

May 11, 2019
This Sunday we pay tribute to our hardworking, dedicated, wonderful mothers. In a few weeks we will give honor to our fathers. Does your family have certain traditions for Mother's and Father's Day…

May 5, 2019
It is obviously telephone scam time again. We are getting between six and 10 "unknown number" or "unknown name" calls per day right now. This week we received four phone calls from our home phone n…

Apr 10, 2019
Ladies and gentlemen of Crestview, I apologize for waiting so long to say hi — so hi! I’m Aaron Little, your editor of the Crestview News Bulletin. I wanted to give you some of my background and then…

Apr 4, 2019
Being from the suburbs of Los Angeles, California, there are many things that don't bother me the way they do native Northwest Floridians. While I don't enjoy the heavy traffic we have during rush ho…

Oct 16, 2017
CRESTVIEW — Numerous and Facebook readers shared their thoughts on local issues.  Here are some of their comments.  FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY Gun control is a feel good, fal…

Aug 11, 2017
CRESTVIEW — Numerous and Facebook readers shared their thoughts on local issues.  Here are some of their comments.    Talk of nuclear war It's just sad that we're just t…

Jul 7, 2017
CRESTVIEW — Numerous and Facebook readers shared their thoughts on local issues.  Here are some of their comments.    COMMUNITY CENTER FLAP UNSURPRISING As with any o…
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