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Feb 27, 2018
It appears that basically overnight, spring has arrived in Northwest Florida. It has warmed up and I turned off the house furnace and turned on the overhead fans. The grass in our neighborhood is g…

Feb 27, 2018
In the mid-1960s American education was still among the best in the world. Today, comparative test scores indicate we rank well down the line as compared to other developed nations. Why? The problems…

Feb 27, 2018
On Monday, Feb. 1, 1960, four freshmen from North Carolina A&T State University entered a Woolworth’s in Greensboro, N.C., and took seats at the lunch counter. As American as baseball, Woolworth’s …

Feb 21, 2018
Here is what has happened so far in Special Counsel Mueller’s collusion probe and how government has spent our $20 million. As the FBI was ignoring specific and spot-on citizens' tips that could have…

Feb 21, 2018
We are once again blessed to have weekly Lenten lunches at several of our community churches in Crestview. This is such a wonderful way to get to know fellow Christians in our community and to have f…

Feb 14, 2018
The Olympic Winter Games began, as they always do, with the Parade of Nations — many of which we have yet to invade. By parading like that in those loud outfits, however, they just seem to be asking …

Feb 13, 2018
Burying the lede is an editor’s pet peeve, so I will practice what I preach and just spill the ink: This is my last column as the Crestview News Bulletin’s editor. Following several months of pray…

Feb 13, 2018
This year, the first day of Lent is Valentine's Day, which is quite appropriate given that God is the author of Love. I John 4:7 says, "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God." Wh…

Feb 8, 2018
We have grown an alphabet soup of powerful agencies like the FBI, DHS, NSA, DOJ, IRS, etc. We give them immense powers to arrest and to ruin lives, with scant accountability. We allow them to ope…

Feb 8, 2018
We have grown an alphabet soup of powerful agencies like the FBI, DHS, NSA, DOJ, IRS, etc. We give them immense powers to arrest and to ruin lives, with scant accountability. We allow them to ope…
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