Nov 29, 2012
Annual Laurel Hill ‘pilgrimage to Bethlehem’ is Dec. 8
LAUREL HILL — Laurel Hill and Crestview Presbyterian Church members are preparing for the Laurel Hill church’s third annual Living Nativity program. Actors are learning their lines and supporters are…
Nov 29, 2012
Annual Laurel Hill ‘pilgrimage to Bethlehem’ is Dec. 8
LAUREL HILL — Laurel Hill and Crestview Presbyterian Church members are preparing for the Laurel Hill church’s third annual Living Nativity program. Actors are learning their lines and supporters are…
Nov 29, 2012
Annual Laurel Hill ‘pilgrimage to Bethlehem’ is Dec. 8
LAUREL HILL — Laurel Hill and Crestview Presbyterian Church members are preparing for the Laurel Hill church’s third annual Living Nativity program. Actors are learning their lines and supporters are…
Nov 15, 2012
FROM THE PULPIT: Humble yourself before He humbles you
God chooses to fill empty vessels, but He cannot fill people with the Spirit if they are already full of themselves, and there is a real danger in the church of having a sufficient spirit. That is wh…
Oct 24, 2012
Catholic Charities seeks Thanksgiving donations
FORT WALTON BEACH — Catholic Charities of Northwest Florida is preparing to provide Thanksgiving meals to nearly 200 local families in need.
Oct 19, 2012
Victory Baptist plans Friends & Family Day, revival
CRESTVIEW — Friends and Family Day is at 11 a.m. Oct. 21 at the Victory Baptist Church's new address, 410 Wingard St., Crestview.
Oct 19, 2012
Coats for Kids campaign at Eglin Chapel
EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE — In conjunction with the United Way, Eglin Chapel is collecting coats through Dec. 5 for needy children in Okaloosa and Walton counties at 202 N. 8th St., Eglin Air Force Base.
Oct 19, 2012
Homecoming, revival start Oct. 28 at New Beginnings
CRESTVIEW — Revival and Homecoming are 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Oct. 28, and 7 p.m. Oct. 29-31 at 412 W. James Lee Blvd., Crestview.
Oct 19, 2012
Marriage care seminar starts Nov. 1
EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE — A free marriage care seminar is 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 1, 8, 15 and 29 at Eglin Chapel, 202 N. 8th St., Eglin Air Force Base.
Oct 19, 2012
St. Mark adds third church service
CRESTVIEW — St. Mark United Methodist Church has added a third service to the worship schedule at 2250 PJ Adams Parkway, Crestview.