Nov 18, 2013
Crestview Scouts celebrate 100 years with LDS church
CRESTVIEW — Crestview Boy Scout Troop 732 is celebrating 100 years of partnering with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Nov 11, 2013
Holt church invites community to Neighborhood Cookout Nov. 16
HOLT— Holt Assembly of God Pastor Jay Tyler and church members invite area residents to a neighborhood cookout next Saturday.
Nov 5, 2013
Baker pastor focusing on community involvement, youth programs
BAKER — Since August, members of Shady Grove Assembly of God Church have increased their community involvement under new pastor Melvin Lee Coon Jr.'s direction.
Oct 28, 2013
Residents buy bus for Christian cowboy ministry
BAKER — Ropin’ the Truth, an Escambia Farms-based Christian youth ministry, now has reliable transportation for carrying program participants to field trips and rodeos, thanks to several North Okaloo…
Oct 24, 2013
Healer, minister is Calvary United’s guest on Friday
CRESTVIEW — Rocky Mount, Va., evangelist Freddy Clark is Calvary United’s guest minister on Friday.
Oct 21, 2013
Rev. Mel Coon and wife begin new pastorate at Shady Grove
BAKER — Shady Grove Assembly of God’s members welcome the Rev. Mel Coon and his wife, Alicia, as their new pastors.
Oct 19, 2013
Woodlawn Baptist Church now offering online donors’ access
CRESTVIEW — Woodlawn Baptist Church members now can make online financial contributions with Woodlawn Connect, on
Oct 8, 2013
'Many blessings' during Crestview family's trip to Argentina
CRESTVIEW — The Church of God recently held its annual Feast of the Tabernacles in nine locations around the United States.
Sep 30, 2013
Youths raise more than $10K for Crestview Pregnancy Center
CRESTVIEW — During the past year, the Joy Fellowship Youth Group adopted the Crestview Pregnancy Center for its outreach mission project.
Sep 30, 2013
Church sees increasing Hispanic population among the faithful
CRESTVIEW — Pastor David Rivera and his wife Lucy say they’ve seen increasing Hispanic attendance among Lifepoint Church’s membership.