Aug 21, 2015
North Okaloosa church calendar announced
Send your church’s announcements to .
ALABAMA CHURCH HOMECOMING: 9:45 a.m. Aug. 23, Bradley Assembly of God, 16305 Bradley Road, Wing, Ala. Guests: the Rev. Ed…
Aug 21, 2015
LETTER: Okaloosa school board's invocations don't violate First Amendment
Dear editor,
The Freedom From Religion Foundation has demanded that the Okaloosa County School Board stop offering an invocation prior to their meetings.
Case law precedent has been established i…
Aug 21, 2015
BROADHEAD: Label yourself a follower of Christ
For a moment, forget…
That you may be from up north.
That you may be from down south.
That you may be from back east or out west.
That you may be black, white, yellow, brown or red.
That …
Aug 20, 2015
Crestview church celebrates fifth anniversary
Services start with Sunday School at 10 a.m., and morning worship at 11 a.m. Aug. 23 at 410 Wingard St., Crestview. After lunch, service begins at 2 p.m. Jim Fellure, of Victory Baptist Church in Mi…
Aug 13, 2015
HELMS: God shapes us for His glory
An energetic person can fashion a piece of wood into a crude swing, a bow and arrow, spear or club.
My grandfather could build almost anything he desired from wood. If there were a serious flaw in …
Aug 10, 2015
BROADHEAD: Your generosity will return to you
For some people, the topic of generosity is a touchy subject.
Many times, their thinking is, “I’ve worked hard for my money; I’m not just going to simply give it away.”
While this kind of think…
Aug 6, 2015
Have church, will travel: Laurel Hill centenarian's church brings worship home
When mobility challenges prevented Laurel Hill centenarian McDonald Campbell from attending Sunday service, the Laurel Hill Presbyterian Church brought church to Campbell.
Jul 28, 2015
Crestview church plans Vacation Bible School
CRESTVIEW — Central Baptist Church, 951 Ferdon Blvd. S., Crestview, will host Vacation Bible School in August.
Jul 27, 2015
Northwest Florida youths visit historic Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sites
Ninety-eight Northwest Florida youths of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have returned from a trip to Nauvoo, Ill.
Jul 8, 2015
Northwest Florida church activities announced
EGLIN CHAPEL CATHOLIC BOOK STUDY: 7-8:30 p.m. Wednesdays, through Aug. 12, Eglin Chapel Center. Studying "Ordinary Lives, Extraordinary Mission" by John Wood. Sign up: Valerie Counsman, 882-7322 or v…