Nov 14, 2015
Crestview group seeks food to provide Thanksgiving feast
CRESTVIEW — Last year, the Brotherhood of Love served 425 dinners at its first Thanksgiving feast in Crestview.
It surpassed the group's initial 250-person goal and pleasantly surprised Elder Gary …
Nov 13, 2015
5 things to enjoy at the Laurel Hill Harvest Supper
LAUREL HILL — An almost 30-foot table filled with Southern church supper fixin's calls to mind tenets of the community's annual Harvest Supper.
While the feast is always held at First Baptist Churc…
Nov 10, 2015
Christmas-themed musical set Nov. 20-22
DEFUNIAK SPRINGS — "Inside the Outside Inn," a Nov. 20-22 Florida Chautauqua Theatre presentation, focuses on a young orphan who finds the family and home she's always wanted.
"Chloe lives with Bet…
Nov 6, 2015
VOICES of Mobile Christmas Tour concert planned in Crestview
CRESTVIEW — The VOICES of Mobile, a vocal ensemble of 18 auditioned students from The University of Mobile, will bring their Christmas Tour Concert to Crestview.
The event is scheduled for 10:30 a.…
Nov 6, 2015
Downtown Crestview banjo player returns after 8-month absence (VIDEO)
CRESTVIEW — The sound of traditional banjo pluckin' resounds once again on Main Street.
"Banjo Bear" is back.
See video of Edenfield playing the banjo
Rick Edenfield, born at Eglin Air Force Ba…
Nov 5, 2015
Great Day gospel concert planned at Crestview church
CRESTVIEW — A concert featuring a Mount Dora gospel group will be held in Crestview.
Great Day consists of Bill and Brenda Ferguson, and their children, Lisa Ann, Sara Lynn and Steven.
The concer…
Nov 5, 2015
Crestview couple, family members visit Ireland on Church of God trip
CRESTVIEW — Art and Sandra Dreaden of Crestview, and their son and daughter-in-law, Cody and Kimberly Dreaden of Ottumwa, Iowa, traveled to Ireland Sept. 25 through Oct. 6 for the annual fall Feast o…
Nov 4, 2015
Local musicians plan Niceville performance of Vivaldi's 'Gloria'
NICEVILLE — Northwest Florida State College and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' musicians will perform Antonio Vivaldi's "Gloria."
The free event is 7 p.m. Nov. 8 at the church, 11…
Oct 31, 2015
BROADHEAD: Unconditional love is worth celebrating, sharing
Are Christians perfect? Are we free from sin? Do we have the right to pass judgment on others?
Absolutely not!
But isn’t that what some people within Christianity do — judge others; look down the…
Oct 29, 2015
Adoption and foster care information meeting scheduled in Crestview
CRESTVIEW — An information meeting is planned for people interested in foster care, and local and international adoptions.
The meeting is 6 p.m. Monday, Nov. 2 at Emmanuel Baptist Church, 3252 E. J…