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Nov 10, 2016
If you were like me, I was unable to remain awake until the early hours of Wednesday morning to watch for the presidential election results. But as soon as I woke up I desired to learn who had won th…

Nov 7, 2016
BAKER — Lebanon Baptist Church's Women's Day Celebration is coming soon. The program, chaired by Minister Yolanda Porter, starts at 11 a.m. Nov. 13 at the church, 1288 Washington Ave., Baker. The 1…

Nov 7, 2016
CRESTVIEW — Kingdom Life Worship and Training Center is celebrating the church’s seventh anniversary, the Kingdom Life School of Ministry’s graduation and their pastors’ birthdays. The graduation c…

Nov 6, 2016
LAUREL HILL — Spearheaded by Magnolia Baptist Church, churches in this small North Okaloosa County community have launched an area-wide food ministry to assist local individuals or families in need. …

Nov 6, 2016
CRESTVIEW — Alabaster Box Christian Ministries will open a Crestview location. The grand opening — 11 a.m. Nov. 19 at 620 McClelland St., Crestview — will feature guests and a message from Apostle …

Nov 3, 2016
In all the years I have followed political campaigns I have never witnessed one that is on a par with the current presidential campaign. So much mud has been slung a new mountain has grown in this co…

Oct 26, 2016
Here are some short thoughts for daily reflection. Clip this column from the paper (or print it from the website version on and reflect on one each day. Allow God to speak to…

Oct 25, 2016
CRESTVIEW — A Crestview family has sold all their possessions to prepare for life as missionaries in Machala, Ecuador. BIG CITY TO SMALL TOWN Russell Wells, 48, and his wife, Norha, 46, a substit…

Oct 24, 2016
PACE — Jared and Tammy Owens are well aware of the time, effort and hard work that go into raising a special-needs child. Four years ago, Tammy gave birth to their first child, Silas, who has cerebra…

Oct 24, 2016
CRESTVIEW — Live Oak Baptist Church’s annual Fall Festival is scheduled 6-8 p.m. Oct. 31 at 4565 Live Oak Church Road, Crestview. The church will provide a dunking booth, hayride, hotdogs, popcorn …
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