Nov 25, 2016
Helping children 365 days a year
CRESTVIEW — Many people either start their holiday shopping or catch last-minute bargains on Black Friday. This year, Lifepoint’s Kids Mart at 998 S. Ferdon Blvd. joined in the fun.
The store sells…
Nov 25, 2016
Helping foster families — one sale at a time
CRESTVIEW — A new store will provide more than deals on children’s items; it will benefit North Okaloosa County foster families.
Lifepoint Kids Mart’s grand opening, which began Nov. 25, continues …
Nov 23, 2016
Prepare your heart, soul for Christmas
Before you go on a trip, what do you do? You prepare.
First, you select your destination and how you will get there. Then you determine what you would like to do once you arrive. Then the cost for …
Nov 21, 2016
'It's just a blessing to us'
CRESTVIEW — Area churches and organizations are in the final stages of Operation Christmas Child collections.
OCC, a Samaritan's Purse International Relief program, involves sending shoeboxes of Ch…
Nov 17, 2016
Crestview church sets 'Journey to the Manger' musical
CRESTVIEW — The First Baptist Church of Crestview Sanctuary Choir and Drama Ministry will present “Journey to the Manger," a Christmas musical drama.
The presentation is set 10:30 a.m. Dec. 11 and …
Nov 17, 2016
How do you treat strangers?
Next week we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Established centuries ago as a national holiday, it commemorates Pilgrims offering thanks to God for the bounty of the earth and for seeing them through …
Nov 14, 2016
Faith, yoga unite at Woodbine UMC
PACE — Susan Neal is a certified yoga instructor with over 30 years’ experience in practicing and teaching yoga.
She has taught a free weekly Scripture Yoga class at Woodbine United Methodist Churc…
Nov 14, 2016
Harvest supper set in Laurel Hill
LAUREL HILL — The Laurel Hill Ministerial Association's annual harvest supper returns this week. The event, open to the community, is set 6:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at First Baptist Church's fellowship hall, …
Nov 10, 2016
Kingdom Life celebrates seventh anniversary
CRESTVIEW — Kingdom Life Worship and Training Center is celebrating the church’s seventh anniversary and their pastors’ birthdays.
The anniversary cele…
Nov 10, 2016
How will you help our nation heal?
If you were like me, I was unable to remain awake until the early hours of Wednesday morning to watch for the presidential election results. But as soon as I woke up I desired to learn who had won th…