Mar 26, 2018
Family fun for Easter weekend
CRESTVIEW — Easter weekend is coming up fast, and there are plenty of family-friendly Easter activities in Crestview.
The Easter holiday coincides with the return of warm weather in Northwest Flor…
Mar 16, 2018
Holding Cinderella
Shortly after my parents died, my wife and I received an unusual inheritance: Cinderella.
Cinderella is a 10-year-old cat who adopted my parents shortly after giving birth to her first litter of ki…
Mar 16, 2018
Homeowners, youths may apply for Do Something
BAKER — Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church's youth pastor, Justin Douglas, is accepting applications for youth volunteers, and North Okaloosa homeowners in need.
Douglas is a coordinator for Do Something,…
Feb 26, 2018
Dixie Echoes to sing in Crestview
CRESTVIEW — An award-winning gospel group, The Dixie Echoes, will have a local concert soon.
The free concert is 7 p.m. March 2 at Valley Road Baptist Church, 1018 Valley Road, Crestview. A love of…
Feb 21, 2018
Use discernment when helping others
Did you know there are people who actually get their vacation travel expenses paid for on their way to a vacation spot by going from church to church along their route to ask for gas money, hotels, f…
Jan 27, 2018
Think before you speak
Have you ever blurted out a hurtful or harmful comment without first thinking through the repercussions of it?
It happens. And when it does, the damage has been done.
It's like squeezing too much…
Jan 20, 2018
New Bethel to host hymn sing
CRESTVIEW — New Bethel United Methodist Church will have a night of hymn singing.
The event will consist of worship through songs and music. It begins 6 p.m. Jan. 28 at the church, 5986 State Road …
Jan 11, 2018
Time to strengthen relationships with others
There are plenty of distractions today. Cell phones, tablets, computers, video games, televisions, movies, sporting events, travel — the list is endless. The distractions are endless.
Some distract…
Jan 5, 2018
Power is a substitute for love
Editor's Note: The Rev. Mark Broadhead's column is on hiatus as he deals with personal matters. Please enjoy this "Best of From the Pulpit" reprint.
What is it that drives many people? The need t…
Dec 28, 2017
Find peace year-round, not just on Christmas
I hope you had a truly wonderful Christmas celebration! At my home, it was a very peaceful day.
I actually slept in until 8:30 Christmas morning. Coffee and sweet rolls were ready to be enjoyed. My…