Dec 24, 2018
Waiting for that promise to be fulfilled
Can you remember as a child how difficult it was to wait patiently for the arrival of Christmas? I can.
As soon as the Christmas lights were put up downtown, the anticipation started. When the snow…
Nov 23, 2018
'What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart'
According to the Bible verse James 3:8-10, "No one can tame the tongue – a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse those who are made in the l…
Nov 9, 2018
Rocky Bayou Christian School hosts annual hoedown
CRESTVIEW — The Rocky Bayou Christian School in Crestview hosted its annual Western Hoedown Oct. 20 at the Recreational Outreach Center located directly behind the school.
A spokesperson described …
Nov 9, 2018
Finding the good in social media
I will be quite honest … a great many things I read on social media sites saddens my spirit. The political trashing, the name calling, the absolute hatred I read being slung back and forth among per…
Nov 2, 2018
Until recently
As I write this article, our nation is reeling from another two senseless acts of violence: the mailing of explosive devices to persons who have spoken unflatteringly (in that persons’ mind) about ou…
Sep 25, 2018
Once a log cabin mission, now a full-time church: Bobbie Brown went through it all
CRESTVIEW — Bobbie Brown, 84, sifts through memories with Woodlawn Baptist Church's senior adult pastor George Katzman laughing and reflecting on a meaningful part of her life since she was 20 years …
Jul 27, 2018
St. Francis prayer helps us look beyond ourselves
In this day and age, there is so much that causes us to think only for our own well-being. There is a tendency to want "the good life," however you may define it. Some people believe they are owed ce…
Jun 23, 2018
Learn your true worth
The other day I was waiting at a car dealership for them to finish a minor repair. As I sat in the waiting area I noticed a young man and woman with a relatively new baby.
They were talking with a …
Jun 22, 2018
Christmas shoebox helped genocide survivor create new memories
CRESTVIEW — A survivor of the 1994 genocide and civil war in Rwanda, East Africa will speak at two local events on behalf of Operation Christmas Child, a program run by Samaritan's Purse.
Alex Nsen…
Jun 22, 2018
Milligan couple requests prayer, support after Guatemala volcano erupts
CRESTVIEW — Milligan residents Kim and Rick Shelley are requesting prayers and support for their family and the people of Guatemala since the Fuego volcano erupted there June 3.
The couple has two …