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Jul 19, 2019
When I was a young child, my blond hair was nearly white. My blue eyes seemed bluer when I wore blue shirts. My teeth were a bit crooked. And one ear didn’t have creases like most ears do. One of m…

Jul 14, 2019
CRESTVIEW — The new Crosspoint Counseling Center will open July 15 in Crestview. The church is celebrating with a Crestview Chamber of Commerce ribbon-cutting 2:30 p.m. July 21 at the center, 6268 …

Jul 7, 2019
CRESTVIEW — Michael Lugones and his wife, Tammy, have become lead pastors at Lifepoint Church, 400 S. Ferdon Blvd., Crestview. The Lugones, who were high school sweethearts, grew up in Key West and…

Jul 7, 2019
In my private thoughts I can sometimes be somewhat of a word snob. By this I mean when words are used improperly, I cringe and I bite my tongue before it can offer a retort. For example when someon…

Jul 6, 2019
Email submissions and photos about special events, musicians, speakers, classes, etc., to Send items at least two weeks in advance if possible. Items run on a space-avail…

Jun 23, 2019
Navarre resident David Jeffers recently flew to Colorado Springs, Colorado, to appear on Dr. James Dobson’s nationally syndicated radio show, "Family Talk." The show originally aired June 14, and i…

Jun 9, 2019
The other day, as I sat in my office absorbed in preparing for Vacation Bible School, I noticed my hands started to shake and my thinking getting a bit fuzzy. This is a rare, but not unusual occurr…

Jun 7, 2019
NICEVILLE — Fifteen teenagers graduated from four years of Early Morning Seminary. A ceremony took place June 2 at the Niceville Chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Every s…

Jun 3, 2019
Here is a list of Vacation Bible School offerings from local churches. Submit VBS information to to have it added to the list.  CRESTVIEW  First Presbyterian Church of Cres…

Jun 2, 2019
At the Pool of Bethesda (a pool ancient Jews believed had healing powers), when Jesus approached a man who had paralyzed legs, Jesus asked a very important question: “Do you want to be made well?” …
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