The Anniversary of Jan. Sixth and our Two-Tiered System
Nothing says “peaceful transition of power” like barbed wire, barricades, and troops standing by. With no threats indicated, that is what the feds are doing with your tax dollars.
The fourth anniversary of “January Sixth” falls on January 6 this year. Who can forget the Biden Inauguration in 2021? Chief Justice John Roberts took the Bible to swear in Joe Biden and started the oath by raising his hand and saying, “I, Joe Biden.” Biden said, “No, I am Joe Biden!”
What Google’s monopoly ruling means for local newspapers
Not that many years ago, the best way you could find out about businesses in town would be through your local newspaper. Your local newspaper is still a great source of advertising information, but if you’re looking for something, chances are you’re going to start by “Googling it.” Have you ever wondered why that’s become our go-to move? Well, a recent court ruling has shed some light on this, and it’s not a pretty picture.
It’s our job
It was a Thursday afternoon two weeks ago when the editor’s phone rang. A gentleman wanted to ask us if we knew anything about what happened in the Lowe’s parking lot over the weekend. He was there and saw a lot of first responders around a vehicle trying to help someone. The gentleman on the phone said there had been a suicide and it was ‘all over Facebook.’
Support your community: Shop locally this holiday season
We are in the midst of the Christmas season and the allure of online shopping and big-box retailers can be tempting. The convenience of online shopping is hard to beat. However, there’s a compelling case to be made for turning our attention to local businesses. Shopping locally isn’t just a trend; it’s a powerful way to support our community, economy, and environment. Here are some reasons to consider supporting your community’s small businesses.
Out and About
Sandi Kemp
January 2, 2025
January 2, 2025
Happy New Year!
Personally, I don’t make resolutions because if I’m resolved to do something – I am going to start making changes right away and not wait for the new year. True confessions: I weighed myself for the first time in a long time today, and my suspicions were confirmed. I’m up about eight pounds. I was avoiding the truth or the facts because I didn’t want to deal with them until after the holiday.
Jackson’s view
Jackson Buhler
January 17, 2025
January 17, 2025
Imagine that you have an important business meeting scheduled for 9 a.m. on a Monday morning.
It was a long weekend for you, so you aim to be at the meeting at least five to ten minutes early to be courteous.
For God’s Sake
Michael Bannon
January 14, 2025
January 14, 2025
The acronym GOAT is frequently used in publications, but the first time I saw it used, I mistook it for a pejorative. “What despicable thing did this person do,” I wondered, “that this author would refer to him as a goat?” Reading further confused me even more because the author spoke of the person only in the most glowing terms. Then the lights came on and I realized that GOAT is an acronym for “greatest of all time.” Yes, it took me awhile.