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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
I have always had an interest in history, and mythology and when I was in elementary school. I read every book my school library had regarding myths and mythical creatures that make up the culture of many nations. I was also brought up in a Judeo-Christian Church and home and loved the Bible stories as well – which some, not me, believe to be mythical stories. And, I’ve also had an interest in Nostradamus, a French astrologer, apothecary, and physician who made predictions – and I give Nostradamus the same weight as I give a horoscope – none. But it is still interesting. I wish my Bible study teachers had put more weight on all the predictions otherwise known as prophesies in the Bible – because they actually come true. My column this week may be considered “religious” but I’m going to be as factual as possible and even include a historian that wasn’t a believer.


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