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May 30, 2024
I’m learning new traditions and entitlements as my children get older, and I find myself having conversations with them that weren’t even a topic when I was their age. My daughter’s husbands have brought up evaluating jobs on how long they will have off for paternity leave when they start have babies or continue to do so. Really? I was lucky my husband was in this country when I had babies.
May 23, 2024
Covering a breaking news story, especially a tragic one, is one of the hardest parts about being a journalist.

Everyone has heard the phrase, “If it bleeds, it leads,” but the truth is 99.9% of the journalism community would rather go their entire career without covering a tragic event. Probably 100%. And that old saying really applies to readership, because unfortunately, in general the public would rather read about something horrible that happened than someone uplifting someone else.

May 16, 2024
With no offense to any of the local candidates in this election, I’ve always thought school superintendents should be appointed by an elected school board instead of being elected by the public.

Some counties in Alabama and Florida (not all) elect a superintendent of schools, but the rest of the country allows the school board to make the hire. Santa Rosa County is one of 41 counties in Florida where the superintendent of schools is elected.

May 7, 2024
Some studies have shown that moving is ranked as the number one stressor anyone deals with in life.

People have ranked moving above the grief of losing a loved one or a separation or divorce.

March 28, 2024
I have always had an interest in history, and mythology and when I was in elementary school. I read every book my school library had regarding myths and mythical creatures that make up the culture of many nations. I was also brought up in a Judeo-Christian Church and home and loved the Bible stories as well – which some, not me, believe to be mythical stories. And, I’ve also had an interest in Nostradamus, a French astrologer, apothecary, and physician who made predictions – and I give Nostradamus the same weight as I give a horoscope – none. But it is still interesting. I wish my Bible study teachers had put more weight on all the predictions otherwise known as prophesies in the Bible – because they actually come true. My column this week may be considered “religious” but I’m going to be as factual as possible and even include a historian that wasn’t a believer.
December 21, 2023
I recently heard a sermon from my home church, First Baptist Orlando, that 100% inspired this column. I love Christmas for many reasons, but first and foremost because we are celebrating and recognizing the significance of the birth of Jesus. How does the world celebrate Christmas? By giving gifts and acts of kindness to one another to demonstrate our love for others.
November 22, 2023
Sometimes we focus on what we don’t have, or situations we aren’t in, and we lose sight of what we do have and where we are. I know I have a lot to be thankful for – at all times – even when I’m wrapped up in the day-to-day busy-ness of life. I gathered these versus to remind me of what true thanksgiving is and what my gratitude should be focused on. I hope you enjoy them during this time that we take a break from our routines and focus on being thankful for all of our many blessings – or as we set out to purposefully be a blessing to others.
November 1, 2023
I’m really- very – disappointed in the county commissioner’s decision to amend the lease on Navarre Beach for an RV Park. The commissioners, Parker, Calkins, and Wright seemingly put feelings ahead of facts. They definitely put themselves in the developers’ shoes and not in the shoes of our tax-paying beach residents that already live or own property on Navarre Beach. And what happened to the “rule” that you defer to the county commissioner that is “responsible” for the district the property in question is in? Eddington voted NO.
September 12, 2023
I was out and about at Juana’s Good Time Regatta this weekend. Kaitie Kiger covered the event on Saturday in a chase boat and I went out on a chase boat Sunday to take pictures.
This was the team at Juana’s/Sailors Grill’s 33rd year organizing and running this event, which is a tremendous asset for our community.
August 22, 2023
I was sad to hear of the passing of Don Salter. He was on the Santa Rosa Board of County Commissioners for twenty years and would be there now if he was re-elected in 2020. He has contributed to the betterment of our county during his time on the commission.
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