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Fire ravages Blackman-area home

| Staff Reporters
An early morning fire destroyed a family’s home at 7763 Peacock Road in the Blackman area north of Baker today.
The scene of the fire at 7763 Peacock Road. (Photo courtesy of the OCSO)

“Thankfully, all members including pets were able to escape,” Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office officials said in a Facebook post.

The fire started sometime before 8 a.m. Sheriff’s Office officials said the single-family residence was fully involved when firefighters arrived.

“Sadly, the home is a complete loss,” S.O. officials said. “There is no word yet on what started the blaze.”

All family members, including pets, escaped the blaze, officials said. (Photo courtesy of the OCSO)

The house was built in 1955, according to county Property Appraiser’s Office records.

Also this morning, a fire at a home on Grady Baggett Road in the Blackman area was quickly managed thanks to the house’s fire suppression system, and all of the home’s occupants and pets escaped without injury, according to Blackman Fire District officials.

As a precaution, S.O. officials shared the following cold weather fire safety tips:

  • Space heater safety: Keep heaters three feet away from anything flammable, and always turn them off when leaving the room or going to bed.
  • Don’t overload outlets: Plug only one heat-producing appliance into an outlet at a time.
  • Use fireplaces safely: Burn only dry, seasoned wood and keep a sturdy screen in front of the fire. Dispose of ashes in a metal container—never in plastic!
  • Check smoke and carbon monoxide alarms: Ensure alarms are working. The risk of carbon monoxide poisoning increases during extreme cold.
  • Keep vents clear: Snow and ice can block furnace and dryer vents, causing dangerous buildups.
  • Check on older family members and friends: Ensure their heating sources are safe, their alarms are working, and they have everything they need to stay warm and safe.
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